Today marks the first day of Pride Month. Unfortunately, this vibrant population also experiences domestic violence at disproportionate rates that match or even exceed the statistics of their heterosexual peers. During this important month of visibility as well as year-round, CCCNH is committed to welcoming, affirming and supporting all survivors.
It is essential to highlight the unique experiences and challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals who are survivors of domestic and sexual violence. The LGBTQIA+ community is disproportionately affected by these forms of violence due to societal discrimination, prejudice, and systemic inequalities. CCCNH and all our sister agencies are here to support LGBTQIA+ survivors and promote their safety, empowerment, and healing.
Addressing the disproportionate impact of domestic and sexual violence on LGBTQIA+ individuals requires all of us to work together to put supports in place that provide inclusive policies, increased legal protections, cultural competency training for service providers, and creating safe spaces that are sensitive to the unique challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ survivors. We believe that together we can foster a society that values diversity, promotes equality, and actively works to eliminate all forms of violence and discrimination.
As we celebrate Pride Month, let us remember that supporting LGBTQIA+ survivors is a year-round commitment. Allies can also show their support by listening and acknowledging LGBTQIA+ survivors and their experiences. Using preferred pronouns is also a great way to support LGBTQIA+ survivors. If we want to create an environment where people feel safe to share their experiences, then we must listen and respond in ways that help people feel safe.
CCCNH is dedicated to offering all of our services to everyone regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, income or physical abilities. We believe that everyone is entitled to feel heard, respected, and seen.
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, you are not alone, and we are here for you. Call our 24-Hour Information & Hotline at 866-841-6229 to receive support and learn more about our full continuum of trauma-informed care.