February conjures images of hearts, candy and love, but for too many teens that love can turn violent. That is why February also marks Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, a month-long awareness campaign around healthy relationships. NH goes a step further and dedicates an entire week in February to teaching kids about healthy relationships and teen dating violence called Granite State Respect Week. Here in Merrimack County, the Crisis Center of Central New Hampshire is preparing local middle and high schools to facilitate programs during Granite State Respect Week (GSRW).
The program of GSRW was introduced to New Hampshire in 2017 through the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (NCADSV) with the goals of raising awareness about teen dating violence, connecting teens with support services in their area, promoting healthy connections within teen relationships, and cultivating respectful cultures in schools across the state. Tens of thousands of students have been reached through this programming and 2023 is on track to be one of the most impactful years yet.
According to the most recent Youth Risk Behavior Survey data from 2019, over eight thousand Granite State teens experienced instances of sexual and physical violence within their dating relationships over the course of a year. The curriculum that the NHCADSV has rolled out in their 2023 Toolkit is a comprehensive prevention education that schools can seamlessly implement the week of February 13th through 17th to help each district facilitate discussions about real issues that teens face every day. Some activities put forth from the 2023 Toolkit include morning announcements, scavenger hunts, evaluating relationships represented in media, bystander intervention, Title IX, and showing gratitude for healthy connections. With this year’s slogan “Lead With Respect” all initiatives reinforce the principle that positive and safe relationships are built on a foundation of respect in all forms.
This year the Crisis Center of Central New Hampshire will be working with six high schools and two middle schools in Merrimack County to promote material for Granite State Respect Week. Teens may see CCCNH advocates during their lunch times, asking them to write affirmations of gratitude on heart-shaped post-it notes or passing out stickers and coloring books by the main offices. It is the wish of CCCNH to ensure every student in Merrimack County knows how and where to receive services should they ever be concerned about their relationships or the relationships of those they care about.
Advocates are available via our web chat and text line at 603-606-9766, Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and 24/7 through our confidential hotline. If you or someone you care about needs services, please feel free to give us a call. Advocacy is a right that everyone is entitled to regardless of age, race/ethnicity, sex, gender, religious affiliation, or ability level.
Meet the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence – NNEDV
Youth Online: High School YRBS – New Hampshire 2019 Results | DASH | CDC-